Friday 21 August 2009

Where there's oil there's (top) brass

There are hopes tonight that Pentagon hacker, Gary Mckinnon, might not be extradited after all, but may rather be allowed to serve his sentence in the UK after oil was found in his back garden. The hacker, who has by no means been resting on his laurels of late is understood to have been digging for oil, ever since his computer was taken away from him. It is understood that as soon as Mckinnon hit the 'black gold' senior officials in both London and Washington were on the phone to one other negotiating a deal that could be worth millions of dollars. It is thought that if this deal can be struck with the Americans, then Mackinnon's future might be secured. Last night at a joint UK/US teleconference a Pentagon official said, "Yes, this guy committed one of the most heinous acts of betrayal since Iscariot traduced JC. Yes, this guy hacked into 97 Military and Nasa computers. But that being said, oil is oil and we realise that this amazing find puts McKinnon into a whole new different league. We now realise that the poor boy - can I call him Gary? - probably took a 'bum rap' on this. At the press conference Gordon Brown and Home Secretary Alan Johnson said that they were "obsequiously sorry for any misunderstanding and that British citizen, Mckinnon would be welcome to remain as the honoured guest of Her Majesty's Government."

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