Tuesday 22 December 2009

Stuff rich people ponder

During this religious festival, we'll be asking questions pertinent to believers of all faiths in the twenty first century. The first is particularly important at the end of a decade that saw a huge rise in the numbers of wealthy individuals - in both developed and developing worlds

We'll ask: given the dominance of global capital in the twenty first century are the banks now bigger than Jesus, and isn't it about time we started saying: Yes we can... take it with us?


  1. Bernie Madoff-Straw22 December 2009 at 14:36

    Yes we can
    The way to do it is the way the Pharaohs did it: Pyramids. And if there's one man who knows how to do Pyramids its your dependable Uncle Bernie.
    So call today and simply demand to invest in Madoff Labyrinths.

  2. Yes you cunt

  3. Yes, we can build you a pyramid. But you'll have to put 50% down now and I won't be able to start before next summer
