Sunday, 9 February 2014

Ideology conquers all

Some claim that the floods the UK encountered earlier this year are proof of man-made climate change (would cloud-seeding count as man-made?) Others suggest the floods are of biblical proportions (Noah didst encounter floods some time prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution, in truth). But for certain politicians there is only one way to approach the problem, and to help people in their hour of need; green ideology... Here's a (slightly paraphrased version of  a) recent interview conducted on Sky News with an opposition spokesperson who was discussing the 'inappropriate' government response to flooding in the county of Somerset:

Interviewer: And so, according to you, where has the government gone wrong in it's response to the flooding in Somerset?

Opposition Spokesperson: The fact of the matter is that the government has not taken into account the effects of climate change on our changing weather patterns.

Interviewer: And what would you do differently, Maria, when it came to responding quickly and effectively to the plight of the people in Somerset?

Spokesperson: We would clearly want to take into account the effects of climate change on our changing weather patterns...

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