Tuesday, 13 July 2010

News in Brief

Charity begins elsewhere

Colonel Qaddafi's playboy son has said that the flotilla currently heading for Gaza is pursuing peaceful goals.

"We Qaddafis have a long record of performing peaceful and charitable acts, including our invasion of Chad in the 1980s which was essentially an act of mercy, and the part that we played in the Lockerbie bombing which was simply an attempt to assist our Arab allies.

"Our human rights record at home is also better than that of Israel's in that the floggings for adultery, the indefinite detentions, the migrant and refugee abuses, the disappearance of dissidents and security forces' immunity from prosecution aren't that widely publicised."

Archbishop of Cant will not resign

Archbishop Rowan Williams has denied claims that he is about to resign after the synod rejected his compromise solution over women and gay bishops. "What I said was: I'm resigned to the fact that you can't please all of the people all of the time...  especially if some of them are crypto-papists."